Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ED5210 Introduction Assignment

As an assignment for my ED 5210 graduate course, I have to talk a little bit about myself.
My name is Gerald Stroud, and I am a graduate student at Trinity Graduate School.
I am in the Masters of Arts in Teaching program for elementary education.

I want to be a teacher because I want to make an impact on the lives of young children. For years, I have had a strong passion for kids. I love interacting with them, I love making them feel important, and I love to see the growth and learning. I believe that teaching is a very rewarding job that comes with a lot of responsibilities, but in the end it's well worth it. It's also an act of service. It's devoting to the lives of others for their needs. It's others focused.

I am pretty comfortable with technology, but I wouldn't consider myself outstanding. I understand Microsoft Office, and have used other programs, such as audio and video editing software. I'm pretty comfortable with Windows XP and Vista for the most part. I've also taken a computer fundamentals cousre. I'm pretty comfortable as well with electronic devices, such as iPods, mp3 players, digital cameras, printers, video games, you name it.

My expectations for this class to learn more about technology, and how to better incorporate technology in a classroom as I'm learning to become a well-rounded teacher.

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